Next Time On's definitive and undisputed best movies of 2017. Including Dunkirk, Star Wars, Call Me By Your Name, Logan, and more.
All-Old All-Good Book Club: Batman: Zero Year by Scott Snyder
Curse of the Rewatch: Bad Boys 2 by Michael Bay
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Intro track: Blerds Beats by Baronhawk Poitier
The definitive and undisputed by TV of 2017. Including American Gods, Legion, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and many more.
All-Old All-Good Book Club: Batman: Zero Year by Scott Snyder
Curse of the Rewatch: Bad Boys 2 by Michael Bay
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Twitter: @NextTimeOnPod
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Intro track: Blerds Beats by Baronhawk Poitier
Che and Cory discuss in-depth all the good and bad things about Star Wars: The Last Jedi.
All-Old All-Good Book Club: Batman: Zero Year by Scott Snyder
Curse of the Rewatch: Bad Boys 2 by Michael Bay
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Twitter: @NextTimeOnPod
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Intro track: Blerds Beats by Baronhawk Poitier
Che and Cory talk about the bleak DC Holiday Special and Grant Morrison's festive Klaus and the Crisis in X-Masville. Also the newest Arrowverse crossover, Crisis On Earth X. They also review some of the high and lows of the 2017 Golden Globe nominations.
Call and email your representatives, net neutrality is in grave danger because of an impending vote by the FCC:
All-Old All-Good Book Club: Batman: Zero Year by Scott Snyder
Curse of the Rewatch: Bad Boys 2 by Michael Bay
Subscribe: Itunes | Stitcher | Google Play
Twitter: @NextTimeOnPod
If you have any questions or comments please email
Intro track: Blerds Beats by Baronhawk Poitier
Che and Cory go over their All-Old All-Good Book Club for this week, Frank Miller's classic Batman: Year One as well as the movie that brought us all Vin Diesel for good or bad, xXx.
Call and email your representatives, net neutrality is in grave danger because of an impending vote by the FCC:
All-Old All-Good Book Club: Batman: Zero Year by Scott Snyder
Curse of the Rewatch: Bad Boys 2 by Michael Bay
Subscribe: Itunes | Stitcher | Google Play
Twitter: @NextTimeOnPod
If you have any questions or comments please email
Intro track: Blerds Beats by Baronhawk Poitier
Cory and Che finally get to talk about the first issue of Doomsday Clock. Also they talk about some new and returning TV shows including Amazon's newest show, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.
Call and email your representatives, net neutrality is in grave danger because of an impending vote by the FCC:
All-Old All-Good Book Club: Batman: Year One by Frank Miller
Curse of the Rewatch: xXx by Rob Cohen
Subscribe: Itunes | Stitcher | Google Play
Twitter: @NextTimeOnPod
If you have any questions or comments please email
Intro track: Blerds Beats by Baronhawk Poitier