After their return from hiatus Che and Cory discuss the confusing; bad; and at times, confusingly bad things they've missed including Jessica Jones' final season, the Black Mirror episode "Striking Vipers", and Dark Phoenix. They also discuss the fantastic premier of Legion's final season.
All-Old All-Good Book Club: Spider-Man: Blue by Jeph Loeb & Tim Sale
Curse of the Rewatch: Like Mike by John Schultz
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Intro track: Blerds Beats by Baronhawk Poitier
Unfortunately we will be postponing this week's episode. Stay tuned for new episodes soon.
All-Old All-Good Book Club: Spider-Man: Blue by Jeph Loeb & Tim Sale
Curse of the Rewatch: Like Mike by John Schultz
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Intro track: Blerds Beats by Baronhawk Poitier
Che and Cory discuss the 2013 autobiographical graphic novel March: Book One by John Lewis and Andrew Aydin.
All-Old All-Good Book Club: Spider-Man: Blue by Jeph Loeb & Tim Sale
Curse of the Rewatch: Like Mike by John Schultz
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Twitter: @NextTimeOnPod
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Intro track: Blerds Beats by Baronhawk Poitier
Cory and Che discuss the newest summer blockbuster, Godzilla: King of Monsters. Then they go over some new comics including the end of Tom King's Heroes in Crisis; Scott Snyder's newest Batman miniseries; and check-in on the Image series, Die. Then finally they discuss the new Amazon series, Good Omens, and the end of HBO's fantastic miniseries, Chernobyl.
All-Old All-Good Book Club: March: Book One Book by Andrew Aydin and John Lewis
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Intro track: Blerds Beats by Baronhawk Poitier